Chocolate is delicious food which everybody likes to eat. There are many recipes available in the market including chocolates. There are no substitutes for chocolates. The taste of this is the most famous among children also. As well as you all can make many many foods using hot chocolates for your tea time.
- Hot chocolate popcorn – Popcorn is tasty short food. You can prepare popcorn using hot chocolate. There are two chocolates such as black chocolate and white chocolate. You can use any type of chocolate to make popcorn. When preparing popcorn, you can pour hot chocolate into the popcorn. This is more taste if you add more chocolates for this.
- Caramel Hot-Chocolate Brownies – According to the name “Brownies” you can understand this tasty food. This is a brown colour if you only use black/dark chocolate into this. You can use white chocolate also. It’s your taste and interest. This sweet is more suitable for your tea time. To increase the taste, you can add some cashew also.

- Hot-Chocolate Mug Cake – Cake is a popular tea-time food. You can make a cake in a different way. This is a cake in a mug with more chocolates. You can easily prepare this amazing food in your kitchen easily. When you look at this, you feel eating. Firstly prepare a normal cake in a mug. Then you can easily add hot chocolates into the mug. It will give the cake a more attractive look.
- Hot-Cocoa Pancakes – Pancake is also a tea time food which anyone likes to add to their tea time. When you prepare pancakes at home, you have to add hot chocolates to the flour first. After you prepare the pancakes, it will be black in colour. But the taste will be more than normal you prepared.
- Hot-Chocolate Krispie Treats – Krispie is a better short food that all are bought from the market. But this is not a Krispie with chilly. This is a sugary taste of Krispie. You can make this at your home with chocolates also. It will be tastier. This can be prepared in a very short time period.

- Slow-Cooker Hot-Chocolate Oatmeal – Hot Chocolate Steel-Cut Oatmeal is a mouth-watering recipe the whole family will love. Made with 100% clean ingredients such as water, milk, vanilla and stevia. This tasty breakfast treat will warm the insides and fill the belly, without unhealthy added ingredients.
- Peppermint Frozen Hot Chocolate – Peppermint Frozen Hot Chocolate is a fun take on of our favourite summer treats. If you’ve never tried frozen hot chocolate you’re missing out. Adding candy canes makes this the perfect holiday drink. This is very tasty and you can try this in your kitchen in the evening.
- Hot-Chocolate Cheesecake Dip – It has the most amazing mousse texture and those tiny marshmallows are phenomenal. You can probably use home-made whipped cream as a substitute. But this is more tasty food.
- Hot-Cocoa Muddy Buddies Recipe – Muddy Buddies is a cute name for rice or corn cereal snack. Simply, melt any kind of chocolate you like with a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
- Hot-Cocoa Pudding – These individual hot chocolate puddings puff up during baking to form a light sponge top. Deeper down, sponge cake gives way to moist, steamed pudding and, at the very bottom layer, a pool of dark fudge sauce. The true magic of these puddings, however, lies in how very simple they are to make.

As the above recipes, there are many recipes with hot chocolate. You can try with these at your home. Not like other recipes, this will be the favourite food for your all family members. You can purchase hot chocolate bars from the market and can make cookies using hot chocolates. If you have an oven, you can make cookies using hot chocolate and it will add a better value to your tea time.
And also, you can put the hot chocolate mix in your refrigerator for further usage. Any recipe with chocolate, you can keep in your refrigerator for more than 01 months.ON the other hand, you can try to make hot chocolate Starbucks. It is a very tasty drink for morning tea time.